Eyelash Extension and Eyebrow art Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are eyelash extensions?
Answer: Eyelash extensions are an exciting new way to extend the length and thickness of your eyelashes. They are applied on a hair-by-hair basis to your own eyelashes for a completely natural look.
2. How long will they last?
Answer: "Eyelash touch-ups" are recommended every 2-4 weeks after initial full set application to replace any eyelashes that may have fallen out. How long your eyelash extensions will last really depends on two things – how well you follow the aftercare instructions (see below), and your own natural eyelash growth cycle.
3. Are eyelash extensions safe?
Answer: Eyelash extensions are completely safe and painless. There is no waxing or plucking required.
4. Are eyelash extensions procedure hurt?
Answer: No, not at all! The procedure is completely safe and painless. There is no waxing or plucking required.
5. Will an eyelash enhancement keep me from engaging in normal activities?
Answer: It is very important to closely follow the After-Care Instructions immediately following your eyelash extension procedure. After the first 48 hours, you will be able to enjoy showering, swimming, exercising and other daily activities worry-free with no lifestyle change.
Eyelash Extension After Care Instructions
- DO NOT get lashes wet in order to allow the glue to dry thoroughly.
- AVOID hot steam from the shower and sauna.
- LEAVE THEM ALONE... be gentle with your new lashes.
Do not rub your eyes excessively.
Do not wear any mascara or use an eyelash curler.
Do not wash them.
- AVOID OIL-BASED CLEANSERS, LOTION OR EYE MAKEUP REMOVERS. These products will dissolve the eyelash bonding agent. Instead, use plain water or water-based gel cleansers. You may wish to use a Q-tip to gently remove eye makeup around the lash line.
- DO NOT USE WATERPROOF MASCARA. The ingredients in this type of mascara will dissolve the bonding agent and your lashes will fall off.
- SCHEDULE A "TOUCH-UP" PROCEDURE IN 3-4 WEEKS. "Touch-ups" or "fills" are highly recommended in order to maintain a full, lush lash line. They take less time than an initial application and are at a reduced price.
6. What is Microblading (Semi permanent, Eyebrow Embroidery, Brow Resurrection)?
Microblading (or eyebrow embroidery) is a relatively new, manual method. It is considered to be semi-permanent, as compared to the traditional hair stroke technique. It is done using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin.
7. What is Ombré Powder Brows?
Ombré Powder Brows are a type of permanent make-up, where through the manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin. A small hand toll with tiny needles is used, as opposed to a tattoo gun used in traditional tattoos. This technique is differs from Microblading in that we create a powder dilled brow similar to the look of makeup, as opposed to simulated hair. The tails of the brow are darker, and fade into alight start to the brow, giving that perfect ombré makeup effect!
, pigment fades leaving the skin and your natural brows behind.OvertimeThe effect s will be waterproof, smudge-proof and completely realistic.
Before and After Care
8. For Eyelash Extension
The first 48 hours are critical! Remember that you’ve just had fine, tiny silk hairs intricately glued individually to your natural lashes. As with most things involving glue, there is a drying time. Installing eyelash extensions takes about 2 hours, but the full drying time takes between 24 to 48 hours! Here are some tips for the first 48 hours:
Avoid getting your new eye lashes moist with water, creams, cleansers or any other type of product during the initial 24 hours. Let your new eyelashes be! This will come easy, because your eyelashes will be vibrant, fresh and gorgeous.
Do not pull, scratch, rub, or tug at your new eyelashes.
Common Sense is a must! Natural eyelashes by themselves without eyelash extensions are not permanent, 1 to 5 lashes fall out every day. Just because you now have eyelashes extensions, doesn’t mean your eyelashes are invincible. You ask “How to care for eyelash extensions?” we say, “Use common sense!”
Avoid rubbing your eyes excessively to create undue stress on your natural eyelashes and your new eyelash extensions.
Avoid excessively hot baths, showers or steam rooms. High heat will change the adhesive’s optimal chemical properties and lead to faster break down of the glue.
Do not use an eyelash curler. One, you won’t need to, because your lashes will have a fabulous perfect curl. Two, it creates undue stress on the lashes and the bonds.
Do not pull or pluck at your eyelashes. This may cause your natural eyelashes to fall out prematurely before its full growing cycle has matured.
Solvents are devastating! Here is the definition straight from Wikipedia: “A solvent is a liquid, solid, or gas that dissolves another solid, liquid, or gaseous solute.” Think of nail polish remover and the affects it has on semi-permanent nail polish. The magical glue in your new eyelash extensions can fall victim to you going home and dissolving the eyelash adhesive with your own products. Here is some advice: Oil-based products are the prey solvents. They will loosen the lash extension’s glue bond leaving you going to the salon for a refill sooner than any of us would like.
Go ahead and use your makeup remover just be sure that it is oil-free. Most are not oil based, but be careful!
Check and be certain that your face cleansers and cosmetics don’t contain glycols and other solvents.
9. For Eyebrow Art
DO NOT work out the day of the procedure.
DO NOT tan or have sunburned face.
DONOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.
No alcohol or caffeine on the day of the procedure.
Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
First day (dry, normal skin): Rinse the eyebrows with arm water and neutral soap, without stretching the skin. Circle gently on the eyebrows until clean skin is felt under the fingertips. After rinsing we can use Vaseline, and type of Panthenol, Jekoderm. The first process of rinsing and application should be done half an hour after the treatment, during the day this process should be repeated 4-5 times. After the last rinsing, before going to sleep over the prepared eyebrows, place transparent folio and fixate with a kerchief, sleeping mask, hairband, etc.
First day (oily skin): Rinse like with regular skin, but avoid oily creams such as Vaseline, Jekoderm or Panthenol. We recommend Panthenol emulsion, cream or gel. Gel with AD vitamin can also be used. Rinsing and application is repeated also 4-5 times during the first day and this completes the post-treatment process for oily skin.
Next 5 days apply a thin film without rinsing and without putting foil.
Next 5 days apply a thin film without rinsing and without putting foil
Avoid 2-3 week after the treatment applying of powder, makeup, cream with active ingredients over the eyebrows, bathing in public water, strong exercise with profuse sweating, sauna, solarium, etc.